Women’s Health

Physical Therapy &

Kelsey Castek, PT, DPT

Bladder Health
Pelvic Pain

I help women overcome pelvic floor issues by feeling empowered in their bodies.

Kelsey utilizes a unique approach to optimize your pelvic health experience. She works as a hybrid clinic meeting in person as well as using an app for at home support to include your exercise program, education, and direct communication. (Read more in the Blogs)


I’m a strong believer that maintaining some level of fitness including mobility and strength throughout pregnancy can help minimize pelvic floor dysfunction and help prepare for birth/delivery.

Through my program we can address any aches and pains you may be experiencing, as well as take a holistic approach to your wellness - stress, sleep, movement.

Interested in Birth Prep?

Often started during third trimester of your pregnancy ~32 weeks, including an in-person evaluation and follow ups at 34 and 36 weeks.

Included in the visits:

  • Pelvic floor assessment for strength and coordination (how to relax/lengthen for delivery)

  • Coordinating with breath

  • Mobility screen

Included in the app:

  • Your individualized exercise program

  • Movement guide through stages of labor

  • Education on perineal stretching & pushing

  • & more!


Are you currently experiencing symptoms that lead you to seek help? This could include:

Cesarean scar mobility, perineal scar, urinary leaking, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti, difficulty returning to exercise, painful return to pleasure

And looking for a transformative pelvic health experience.

Or interested in the

Postpartum Recovery and Early Mobility Program

This can be started as soon as you deliver (or feel comfortable to start). This is ideal for the first two months postpartum and includes:

  • Virtual Eval: share your birth story, screening, and coaching on wellness as you transition into motherhood

  • Education and Exercises to Support: reconnection to your core and pelvic floor, gentle stretches and activation of muscles, education and “mom mechanics” - including bathroom tips, pain relief, feeding tips, lifting/carrying, bending, handouts for scar massage/mobility/desensitization

  • Virtual 6 week follow up with guidance for return to exercise and intimacy (if cleared by your provider)

I’m passionate about helping you navigate the journey of welcoming a new little one to your family, preventative care because all too often I have heard “what could I have done to prevent x,y,z”, as well as minimize early aches/pains so you can continue feeling your best each week as your body heals!

Bladder Health

Do you experience stress incontinence?

Leaking with sneezing, coughing, laughing

Do you find yourself:

Trying to return to exercise but those unwanted leaks put a halt to your program?

Avoiding going to workout classes, jumping on a trampoline, running for leisure, a race or after your kids - (insert other activity here).

Then are you interested in a personalized program, tailored to your goals?

Pelvic Pain

Are you experiencing pelvic pain, and looking for a holistic way of healing? (read more in my blog - Holistic Approach to Pelvic Floor Dysfunction)

My mission is to empower your healing journey to optimal pelvic wellness. The pelvic region can be complex and I like to say: “Think of it as a neighborhood. We might have to address some angry neighbors.” (and this doesn’t always happen overnight). This is why I have included pelvic floor rehab + coaching into a comprehensive program.

Endometriosis Program

Kelsey is working on achieving a Board Certified Women’s Health Coaching Certification through the Integrative Women’s Health Institute to provide a holistic approach using integrative and functional medicine (including functional nutrition, lifestyle medicines and clinical experience as a physical therapist for pain management and movement therapy)


  • "Kelsey has helped give me hope that I can be pain free again. She is extremely knowledgeable, and a mama herself, so I felt like she understood where I was at in my postpartum journey. She has been an amazing reminder for me that it's okay to slow down, move with intention and rebuild your foundation. I want to tell all moms the best thing you can do for yourself is invest in yourself, your future self will thank you!"


  • "I had a third degree tear from delivery and wanted to make sure I healed properly. I had no idea what to expect going into our first visit but Kelsey did a great job of explaining what she would be doing and how it would help my recovery. She did this at each visit and always made me feel comfortable. Kelsey's expertise has made me feel more confident in preparing for future children."


  • "There were many times throughout my pregnancy and postpartum journey I remember thinking, "every single pregnant woman needs to know about Kelsey and pelvic floor education!" I'm so thankful Kelsey was a part of my journey to becoming a first time mom."
